Things look different?
by Cassandra on 08/20/11
If you've been to Middle Eastern before you probably are wondering "what the heck has happened here?" well... I decided it's time to restructure and update the look of the site. With about 400 pages on this site you can imagine how difficult it can be to find and update things on a regular basis. This is why the site needs a little more organization and restructuring. I hope it will make it easier for me to update and improve the site. In addition, since I'll be going through each page and editing and moving things I also concluded that this would be an optimal time to update the look of the site as well. It's had the same look for over 10 years and while it got many compliments when it was new, let's face it modern sites are much more slick so I hope the new look will go over well. You will probably notice that links are changing and not every page has yet been updated so please update your bookmarks frequently and check back to see what's new.