It's Zilltastic!
by Cassandra on 10/23/13
Regular visitors to the site are probably already aware that updates to the site tend to be somewhat sporadic. They usually happen in clusters. Well today, I finally finished off the Zills portion of the Music section. I'm happy to announce the new and improved zills section contains a more detailed history of zills, better care instructons, and expanded zilling patterns and playing tips. The new zill patterns are written out to let you count out the patterns using numbers, right/left hand alternation, and mnemonic phrases. In addition each pattern has notes on which rhythms it works well with. The only thing I didn't finish and decided I could update slowly over time is adding videos of the playing patterns. Unfortunately there aren't that many decent quality videos freely available to embed so, when I find them I will update the page. To view our newly updated zills section click on any of the following links