Middle Eastern Dance
Warm Up's

Warm Up Set I (Standing)
*Reach up with your right arm and stretch through the right side of your body, hold it for eight counts. 
*Reach up with your left arm and stretch through the left side of your body, hold it for eight counts.

*Now hold your arms out and keeping your feet in place twist your upper body right and left (washing machines), repeat eight times.
*Now clasp your hands together and keeping your feet in place twist your upper body right and left (washing machines), repeat eight times at twice the speed of the first set.

*Roll down the body in eight counts starting with the head and roll down vertebrae by vertebrae down the spine.  When you are now bent over as far as you can comfortably go, hold the position for eight counts.  Still in a forward bend turn your body to the right and hold the position for eight counts, then walk your torso over to the left with your hands and hold the position for eight counts.  Return to center and roll up in eight counts.

*Reach over to the left with your right arm and stretch through the right side of your body, hold for eight counts.
*Reach over to the right with your left arm and stretch through the left side of your body, hold for eight counts.
*Reach over to the left with your right arm and stretch through the right side of your body, hold for four counts.
*Reach over to the right with your left arm and stretch through the left side of your body, hold for four counts.
*Reach over to the left with your right arm and stretch through the right side of your body, hold for two counts.
*Reach over to the right with your left arm and stretch through the left side of your body, hold for two counts.
*Reach over to the left with your right arm and stretch through the right side of your body, reach over to the right with your left arm and stretch through the left side of your body, alternate eight times.

*Lift the ribs up, slide them over to the right, bending only at the waist, roll down on the side, then roll down to the front and around to the left side roll up at the side on vertebrae at a time the head is the last to reach the top.
*Lift the ribs up, slide them over to the left, bending only at the waist, roll down on the side, then roll down to the front and around to the right side roll up at the side on vertebrae at a time the head is the last to reach the top.
*Lift the ribs up, slide them over to the right while pushing your left hip out and allowing yourself to bend at the knees, roll down on the side, then roll down to the front and around to the left side roll up at the side on vertebrae at a time the head is the last to reach the top.
*Lift the ribs up, slide them over to the left while pushing your right hip out and allowing yourself to bend at the knees, roll down on the side, then roll down to the front and around to the right side roll up at the side on vertebrae at a time the head is the last to reach the top.

*Slide the rib cage to the right and then bring it back to center and slide it left and bring it back to center, alternate eight times.
*Push the rib cage forward and pull it back to center then push it back and pull it back to center, alternate eight times.
*Push the rib cage up and pull it down, alternate 8 times.
*Push the rib cage to the right, back, left, front.repeat eight times(rib diamond-rough rib circle).
*Push the rib cage to the right, front, left, back.  Repeat eight times(rib diamond-rough rib circle).
*Rib circles to the right, eight times.
*Rib circles to the left, eight times.

*Roll your right foot up to the the ball of the foot,repeat eight times.
*Roll your left foot up to the the ball of the foot,repeat eight times.
*Roll your right foot up to the the ball of the foot, roll your left foot up to the the ball of the foot,alternate eight times.
*Roll your right foot up to your toes, repeat eight times.
*Roll your left foot up to your toes, repeat eight times.
*Roll your right foot up to your toes and lift the foot off the floor and making a little kick, repeat eight times.
*Roll your left foot up to your toes and lift the foot off the floor and making a little kick, repeat eight times.

*Lift your right leg to your ankle, knee, ankle, and back down to the floor, repeat eight times.
*Lift your left leg to your ankle, knee, ankle, and back down to the floor, repeat eight times.
*Now lift the right leg up to the knee and down to the floor,repeat eight times.  On the last lift hold the right leg up for four counts, stretch it out forward, flex the foot and lower the leg, bend at the knees twice.
*Now lift the left leg up to the knee and down to the floor,repeat eight times.  On the last lift hold the left leg up for four counts, stretch it out forward, flex the foot and lower the leg, bend at the knees twice.
*Bend your knees, lift your heels, straighten your knees, drop your heels.  Repeat eight times.
*Lift heels, bend knees, drop heels, straighten knees.  Repeat eight times.
*Bend knees, straighten knees, lift heels, drop heels.  Repeat eight times.

*Next we do what I like to call the Indian leg lifts.  Stand with your feet a little further than hip width apart.  Lift your right knee up/in towards the left then bring it down and circle it around to bring it up/out to the right then down circle left...  Repeat eight times.
*Next we do what I like to call the Indian leg lifts.  Stand with your feet a little further than hip width apart.  Lift your left knee up/in towards the right then bring it down and circle it around to bring it up/out to the left then down circle right...  Repeat eight times.
*Shake your legs out.
*Sit or Slide down to the floor.

Warm Up Set II (Sitting)
*Sitting with your legs crossed and your right leg in front, reach with your left arm towards the right, stretching out the left side, hold for eight counts.  Now reach with the right arm towards the left, stretching out the right side, hold for eight.  Repeat the sequence once more and on the last stretch to the right swing your torso around to the front and hold it there for eight counts, when finished roll up slowly.
*Sitting with your legs crossed and your left leg in front, reach with your right arm towards the left, stretching out the right side, hold for eight counts.  Now reach with the left arm towards the right, stretching out the left side, hold for eight.  Repeat the sequence once more and on the last stretch to the left swing your torso around to the front and hold it there for eight counts, when finished roll up slowly.
*Sit with your legs crossed, right leg in front.Curve your right arm over your head and allow the left arm to be placed loosely at your side for balance.  Now swing your torso down to the left and then forward over your legs switching arm positions and swing over to the right and pull yourself up pausing only for a moment and then swinging through back to the left.  Repeat eight times.
*Sit with your legs crossed, left leg in front.Curve your left arm over your head and allow the right arm to be placed loosely at your side for balance.  Now swing your torso down to the right and then forward over your legs switching arm positions and swing over to the left and pull yourself up pausing only for a moment and then swinging through back to the right.  Repeat eight times.

* (May be too difficult for some people)Cross your legs so that your knees are together with your right knee on top of you left knee.  You may grab your ankles to pull your legs into this position and hold it there.  Now bending from the lower back lean over your knees.
* (May be too difficult for some people)Cross your legs so that your knees are together with your left knee on top of you right knee.  You may grab your ankles to pull your legs into this position and hold it there.  Now bending from the lower back lean over your knees.

*Place the bottoms of your feet together(butterfly stretch) and press your thighs down towards the floor, hold for eight counts and release the tension.  Repeat four times.
*Place the bottoms of your feet together(butterfly stretch) and press your thighs down towards the floor and lean forward from the lower back, hold for eight counts, roll up and release the tension.  Repeat four times.

*Stretch your legs straight in front of you.  Then point the feet and then flex the feet.  Alternating eight times.
* Point the feet and lean forward from the hips keeping the back straight and reach over your feet.  Hold for eight counts.

*Stretch your legs forward in a "V".  Lean forward from the hips keeping your back straight (walk your torso forward with your hands if necessary).  Hold for eight counts.  Walk your upper body back up using your hands.  Turn your body to the right and lean forward over the right leg.  Hold for eight counts.  Walk torso back up.  Turn to the left and lean forward over left leg.  Hold for eight counts.  Walk torso back up.

*Pull your heels in towards your butt and starting rolling down to the floor one vertebrae at a time in eight counts and then roll up one vertebrae at a time in four counts.  Repeat this four times and then roll down once more.

Warm Up Set III (Lying Down)
*Stretch yourself out long on the floor.
*Stretch your right side out long on the floor.
*Stretch your left side out long on the floor.

*Bring your heels in close to your hips and either grab your ankles or place your hands down by your hips.  Now raise your pelvis high into the air in eight counts, hold it for four counts, and then lower it in eight counts.  Repeat twice.
*Bring your heels in close to your hips and either grab your ankles or place your hands down by your hips.  Now raise your pelvis high into the air in eight counts, hold it for four counts, twist the right hip forward and then the left hip(alternate eight times), old for four counts, and then lower it in eight counts.  Repeat twice.

*Release your ankles if you were holding them and place your arms in a comfortable position for crunches.  Do four crunches to the center, eight left, eight right.  Repeat if necessary.
*Pull your knees up to your chest and hold them there for eight counts.  Now, rotate your head to the right and then to the left, alternating eight times.  Then open the arms out to the sides and drop your knees to the right and then pull them back up to center then drop them to the left, alternating eight times.  Then drop your feet down to the floor.
*Do eight diagonal crunches alternating sides ( reach your right elbow towards your left knee and your left elbow towards your right knee.  Pull one knee in and stretch the other one out straight.)
*Pull your knees up towards your chest and hold them there for eight counts.

*Raise your legs straight up into the air and circle your feet in any direction for eight counts and then switch directions and circle them in the other direction for eight counts.
*With your legs in the air flex your feet and then point them alternating eight times and ending wit your feet flexed.
*With your legs in the air and your feet flexed take a little "walk" by pulling one leg forward and one back and then alternating them to "walk" on air.

*Lay on your left side
8*Pull your right hip up eight times

*Point the feet and lift your top leg slowly eight times and then eight more times at double speed.
*Flex the feet and lift your top leg slowly eight times and then eight more times at double speed.

*Put both legs out in front of you at a forty five degree angle, flex your feet and lift your top leg slowly eight times and then eight more times at double speed.
*Pull your right ankle up towards your stomach and lift your bottom leg slowly eight times and then eight more times at double speed.
*Pull your knees in towards your chest and hold for eight counts.

*Grab your right ankle and pull it back stretching the front of the thigh.

*Roll over onto your right side
*Pull your right hip up eight times

*Point the feet and lift your top leg slowly eight times and then eight more times at double speed.
*Flex the feet and lift your top leg slowly eight times and then eight more times at double speed.

*Put both legs out in front of you at a forty five degree angle, flex your feet and lift your top leg slowly eight times and then eight more times at double speed.
*Pull your right ankle up towards your stomach and lift your bottom leg slowly eight times and then eight more times at double speed.
*Pull your knees in towards your chest and hold for eight counts.

*Grab your right ankle and pull it back stretching the front of the thigh.

*Roll onto your stomach
*Stretch out resting your forehead on floor lifting your arms up eight times.
*Lift just your right arm up eight times.
*Lift just your left arm up eight times.
*Pull yourself up onto all fours.

*Start with your back being flat, then push your back up and contracting the abdominal muscles, and let your head drop down; release the abdominals, then arch your back pulling it down and lifting your head.  Repeat the sequence eight times
*Now circle your ribcage by doing a similar move to a push up, lower your upper body to the right and straighten to the left.
*Now circle your ribcage by doing a similar move to a push up, lower your upper body to the left and straighten to the right.
*Sit Back onto the heels of your feet and then rock forward and straighten your legs.
*Roll up slowly for eight counts.

Warm Up Set IV (Standing)
*Start in a relaxed standing position with your head dropped forward and then lift it up and drop it down, then up, down, up; Now drop it down and lift it up, then down, up, down.
*Turn your head looking over your right shoulder then turn and look over your left shoulder, now look right, left, right;  Look left, right, then left, right, left.
*Lean your ear towards your shoulder leaning right, lean left, then lean right, left, right; now lean left, lean right, then lean left, right, left.
*Drop your head to the left and circle forward around to right, then drop right and circle left, to the right, and finally back to the left.  Take 4 counts to complete each half circle.
*Drop your head to the left and circle backward around to right, then drop right and circle left, to the right, and finally back to the left.  Take 4 counts to complete each half circle.
*Drop your head to the left and circle all the way around forward and back.  Take 4 counts to complete each circle.  2 times.  Switch directions and repeat twice.

Some Suggested Dance Moves To Warm Up With
Repeat Each Eight Times To Each Side
Head Slides
Snake Arms
Head Slides w/Snake Arms and/or Windmill and/or cross
Step Out W/Snake Arms(big and small)
Hip Slides
Hip Slides w/twist
Figure eight forward walk back walk
Rib Cage Circles
3 count
3 count w/undulation/drop/lift/twist
5 count
5 count w/undulation/drop/lift/twist

CONGRATULATIONS!  You've made it through the warm-up's don't let this scare you off though, because now comes the best part of all, the actual dancing.  Have fun and don't forget to do the cool down when your done.
The Enchantress by Luis Recarrdo Falero

Depending on the speed and tempo that you use for this warm up, it may take anywhere from 45 minutes to 1 1/2 hours.