Almée, danseuse du Caire (Egypte) by E. Massin. Lithograph (stone engraving). 1863.
Middle Eastern Dance
Hip Drops
This page lists descriptions of the Hip Drop and several of its variations.

Start with both knees bent slightly.  Put one foot slightly in front of the other
touching only the ball of your foot to the floor.  Most of the weight should be
in the standing foot.  It may help your balance if you lean backward slightly.
If you lean back make sure that your back is kept straight.  Now raise the hip
up and drop it down on the beat.

Drop in a Cricle
First follow the directions for the drop kick.  Now after you kick right when
you touch with your other foot, you pivot on your standing foot about an
eighth, quarter, or half of a turn (depending on how far you want to turn
each time).

Drop, Kick
Start with both knees bent slightly.  Put one foot slightly in front of the other
touching only the ball of your foot to the floor.  Most of the weight should be
in the standing foot.  It may help your balance if you lean backward slightly.
If you lean back make sure that your back is kept straight.  Now lift your hip
up and drop it down on the beat once and then the next time you drop it kick
your heel out while you drop your hip.  Keep alternating with your foot
touching, foot kicking, touching, kicking, etc...  Try to keep the rest of the
body still and not bouncing up and down.  For variation you can add depth
change for a more Saidi styling of the movement.  When you drop your hip
bend both knees so you dip down then come back up for the drop/kick 
combination keeping that on the same level.

Drop Forward
Start with both knees bent slightly.  Put one foot slightly in front  of the
other.  Most of the weight should be in the standing foot.  It may help your
balance if you lean backward slightly.  If you lean back make sure that your back is kept straight.  Now lift your hip up
and twist it forward a little and drop it down in front.  Now lift it up and continue to drop it down in front.

Drop Back
Start with both knees bent slightly.  Put one foot slightly in front of the other.  Most of the weight should be in the
standing foot.  It may help your balance if you lean backward slightly.  If you lean back make sure that your back is
kept straight.  Now lift your hip up and twist it backward a little and drop it down in front.  Now lift it up and continue
to drop it down in back.

Drop Forward and Back 1 (Flat-footed)
Start with both knees bent slightly.  Put one foot slightly in front  of the other.  Most of the weight should be in the
standing foot.  It may help your balance if you lean backward slightly.  If you lean back make sure that your back is
kept straight.  Now lift your hip up and twist it forward a little and drop it down in front.  Now lift it up and while
twisting your hip back and the drop it in the back.  Continue to drop it down in front, down in back, front, back.  Try to
keep the rest of the body still while you do this.  Try not to go up and down as you drop your hip.

Drop Forward and Back 2 (One foot on-ball)
Start with both knees bent slightly.  Put one foot slightly in front of the other touching only the ball of your foot to the
floor .  Most of the weight should be in the standing foot.  It may help your balance if you lean backward slightly.  If
you lean back make sure that your back is kept straight.  Now lift your hip up and twist it forward a little and drop it
down in front.  Now lift it up and while twisting your hip back and the drop it in the back.  Continue to drop it down in
front, down in back, front, back.  Try to keep the rest of the body still while you do this.  Try not to go up and down as
you drop your hip.

Drop, Sit (or Drop, Release)
Start with both knees bent slightly.  Put one foot slightly in front of the other touching only the ball of your foot to the
floor this is your non-weighted foot.  Most  of the weight should be in the standing foot.  It may help your balance if
you lean backward slightly.  If you lean back make sure that your back is kept straight.  Your pelvis must be slightly
tucked in a neutral position.  Now lift your hip up and then drop it down accenting the beat.  Lift the hip back up only
into a neutral position and then release the pelvis.  You can accentuate the "sit" by bending both knees and diping
down with the release.  Additionally the move can be accentuated by slightly lifting the chest and tossing the head
back.  Reverse undulations work well for transitioning out of this position.
1970's American Nightclub (2007). Pencil Sketch by Cassandra Strand.