Ghawazee from the Sa'id Egypt
Middle Eastern Dance
Hand Movements
These are just a few of the most commonly used movements of the hands in bellydance.

Lotus 1 (Inward)
Start with your palms facing up.  Keep your thumbs out.  Now curl in your
pinky, then your ring finger, then the middle finger, and finally the pointer.
Next, lead out with the pinky, then ring, middle, and pointer.  This is called
lotus because at one point it looks similar to a lotus blossom.  This is when
the pinky is out, the index is about 1/4 of the way curled in, the middle is
3/4 of the way curled in, and the pointer finger is all the way or almost all
the way curled in.  It is usually used with a hand circle done inwards (you
go the direction that matches your leading finger).  Since you lead with the
pinky you will curl the fingers when the palm is up and turning and when
your palm has turned to face downwards then you begin uncurling your
fingers and repeat the process.

Lotus 2 (Outward)
Start with your palms facing up.  Keep your thumbs out.  Now curl in your
pointer, then your middle finger, then the ring finger, and finally the pinky.  Next, lead out with the pointer, then
the middle, ring, and pointer.  This is called lotus because at one point it looks similar to a lotus blossom.  This is when
the pinky is out, the index is about 1/4 of the way curled in, the middle is  3/4 of the way curled in, and the pointer
finger is all the way or almost all the way curled in.  It is usually done with a hand circle done outwards (you go the
direction that matches the leading finger).   Since you lead with the pointer finger you will reach outwards with your
pointer finger pressing through the palm and finger till your palm is twisted outwards and facing up.  Then your start
curling your fingers in one at a time and then circle the wrist around and when the palm is up again uncurl your

Hand Circles
Hand circles are done by rolling your hand around from the wrist.  The
next step is adding a lotus to the circle.  Start with your index finger if your
rolling your hand away from you and your pinky finger if your rolling your
hand towards you.  This is often used together with the lotus.  You can also
lead with the middle finger which is demonstrated in the video.

Indian Hands
This is a hand position seen in some dances from India and is also common
in middle eastern dance.  To do this position you leave your pointer finger
and your pinky finger out or pointing while pulling your middle and ring
fingers loosely in.  Your thumb is relaxed.

Push down with your wrist. Then down through your palm, then down
through your fingers.  Next pull up with your wrist, up through the back of
your hand and up through your fingers.

For those of you who know what "jazz" hands are this will be fairly simple for
you (the're practically the same).  The hand flutter is done keeping the hand
fairly straight and twisting it just a little bit to one side and then back to the
other side.
Ghawazee from the Sa'id Egypt.