Middle Eastern Dance
Bellydance Arkansas
Middle Eastern Dance Classes in Georgia

Listings for instructors are in alphabetical order.  If you teach classes and want to be included in our directory you can list  your classes by filling out and submitting this form.

Fox Gradin
The Body Sanctuary Inc.
224 Main Street SW
Gainsville, GA
(770) 531-1141
Celestial Studios
118 Main Street SW
Gainsville, GA
(678) 989-0013
Price range: $14

Nazeem Allayl
Nazeem Allayl Belly Dance Studio
1394 McLendon Ave NE
Atlanta, GA 30319
(404) 638-6530
Six week courses are $60, with discounts available.  First day tryout $10.  Courses at four levels
(Beg/Int/Adv/Prof).  We also have a store for belly dance clothing, props, and accessories.
Price range: $10 - $60

1925 Variations Drive
Atlanta, GA 30329
(404) 982-9037
Decatur School of Ballet
102 Church Street
Decatur, GA
Harmony Learning Center
1989 N. Williansburg Dr., Suite F
Atlanta, GA
A lifelong dancer, Saroya has been devoted to the art of Middle Eastern dance since 1980.  She is fascinated by the wide variety of dance styles and ethnicities encompassed within the dance form.  Saroya currently offers classes in all levels of dance experience and covers many topics including Turkish, Persian, Tunisian, and Egyptian styles; props including veil, cane, zills, and performance embellishments such as stage presence and improvisation.  Seshambeh Dance Company, a performance group comprised of Saroya's advanced students, are often invited to participate in shows at arts festivals and seminars.  In addition, they are featured in Saroya's semi-annual student showcase nights.  For more information, class schedules, and directions to the studios, visit Saroya's website.
Price range: $12 - $35

Schadia's Dance Studio
Atlanta, GA
Lear this ancient, beautiful and feminine form of dance from Schadia in Brookhaven, near Spagetty Junction/Lenox Mall.
Price range: $50 - $60
Bellydance Georgia